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Monday Motivation from The MIC Mag's Musicians of the Month: Advice for Independent Artists

It's your Weekly Dose of Monday Motivation!

Every month we ask our Musicians of the Month, "What advice do you have for aspiring independent artists?"

They're always sharing such insightful responses, and we thought this week we'd share them with you for a little ~Monday Motivation!~



"Don’t let people who don’t believe in you get you. Instead, let their comments light a fire under you and inspire you to succeed and prove them wrong." - LO LA

Read more about

LO LA here 

Lucid Dream


 "Respectfully, get any other hobby this is so hard. (Just Kidding) In all seriousness, making friends within your local music scene and genuinely connecting with the people who go to your shows is an amazing way to create a community around your music & be creatively fulfilled!" -Lucid Dream

Read more about Lucid Dream here 

maddie rien

maddie rien

"Stay consistent and work like this is your obsession. If this is something you’re truly passionate about, people will hear that in your music!"

- maddie rien

Read more about maddie rien here 

planet zuz

planet zuz

 "TALK about your music to other people! make it your “opening statement”, but give yourself space to just exist as who you are and not a machine. I’ve struggled with feeling I’m not doing enough compared to my peers, but manifestation, rest, and putting yourself out there until people care, goes a long way. make things that you like, don’t worry about how it’s perceived — be bold and brave with your art. No compromises!"- planet zuz

Read more about planet zuz here 

Sean Tobin

asha wells

"Find friends who believe in you more than you believe in yourself. If you do that, you'll never fail."

- Sean Tobin

Read more about Sean Tobin here 


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