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Women's HERstory Month: Female Trailblazers in the Music Industry

Following International Women's Day and in Celebration of Women's History (HERstory) Month, The MIC began speaking with women, female-identifying and queer artists independent artists understanding their stories and words of wisdom. Through these conversations, we couldn't help but think about the women behind the scenes. The women in the music industry who too often go unnoticed and unappreciated.

The MIC has developed so many meaningful connections throughout the years, and many of them are with female trailblazers.

For this feature, we spoke with four incredible women, who are not only in the music industry, but they've all started their own businesses, creating their own narrative and niche in the industry. They're talented, they're fierce and we're so excited to share their stories with you!

Schae Beaudoin

Schae Beaudoin-PhotoCredit: Amar Batra

Schae Beaudoin has been working in the music industry for the past six years. First honing her skills as a journalist writing for local and national publications in the New England pop punk and alternative scene, and after moving to LA, she's shifted focus to PR and creative marketing launching her own company, Deadbolt PR. She explained that starting her PR firm was very intimidating, but said, "my first client was another woman. We connected on our first call about wanting to work with other women in the industry and support one another. Without her, I don’t know if I would’ve been able to build the firm the way I have!"

Schae says that the best advice she received from other women in the industry was, "Believe in your abilities and dream big. Don’t shrink yourself and what you’re capable of." But, she wishes in the beginning she heard, "You have everything you need within you to succeed! You belong." more! Follow Schae here and here!

"Always be a student and be willing to learn but don’t let people assume you’re unknowledgeable either (they very well may). Always speak up for and advocate for yourself." - Schae Beaudoin


Laura Meets Musicians

Laura Meets Musicians

Laura Meets Musicians has been a music blogger since 2021. Based in Italy, Laura initially created an Instagram page featuring indie artists, which eventually grew into a blog and support services. She shares a story about being uplifted in the industry by another female journalist, Louise, "I had just an idea in my head and I was a bit unsure that musicians would be interested in it. Plus, I had many doubts about my English knowledge and my capability to create quality content. At the time I knew a journalist, Louise, who created videos about independent artists and showcased them on her YouTube Channel. I told her about my idea and asked her if, in her opinion, my idea was worth a try. She instantly told me to go straight with my inspiration and not care much about English or anything else but to just show my personality, and find what would really fulfill me. I really appreciated that advice and she was absolutely right. Not being native English has never been a problem and it was definitely worth a try! The day I opened the page I already received 20+ requests for features so my doubts were totally unfounded." Laura's collaborations have been 100% remote, but she says she still can see how male-dominated the industry is, "70% of the musicians that reach out for a feature are men, 99% of the other music bloggers and producers/mixing/mastering engineers I know are men. The majority of the men I'm connected with are kind, polite, supportive, and respectful. That said, I received a fair amount of aggressive messages from male musicians that I'm sure I wouldn't receive if I were a man. I wish I was told to immediately block and forget about them, instead of trying to understand and mediate, and consequently feeling bad for days for a random stranger who doesn't respect who I am and what I do."

Her advice to younger women starting out in the industry is, "At the start, you tend to be a bit naive and see everything with pink colored glasses, I've been naive myself in my 20s (not in the music industry but it can certainly be applied to it too) and I've had my wings burned a bit. Being optimistic, hopeful, and a bit naive is normal and we learn from experiences, but it's extremely important that you learn how to set boundaries. It takes courage and training to learn how and when to set them at the right distance around your heart, around your body, and around your art. Being forced to do something that makes you feel uncomfortable or accepting that your music is pushed far from your original vision, are big red flags. This has nothing to do with going out of your comfort zone, that is always a good thing if you do it when and how you feel to do it. Always speak for yourself, you have a voice and a right to see your vision and your personality come to life, not the vision of someone else. If you're asked to do a gig or any other opportunity that you don't feel good about, trust your gut. Always show that you're not managing things all alone, and bring friends and relatives to gigs and shows. This is what I've learned talking with female musicians and women in the music industry, and I think it's very important that a young woman finds the balance between showing up and protecting herself, because unfortunately, it can be a shady industry if you don't meet the right people."

Follow Laura Meets Musicians here!

"Be always very cautious and careful when it comes to contracts and legal agreements, ask the help of professionals if you can, because I've seen so many young women scammed by so-called PR companies or shady labels. And also, build a little team around yourself of people you trust and that care for you and your music." - Laura Meets Musicians


Karen Gross

Karen Gross

Karen Gross has been performing professionally since 2021, recording her first singer-songwriter demo in high school before finding her voice in cabaret. She has since created Communication that Sings as a Speaker, Host, and communications consultant, and the She Rocked It podcast!

Karen Gross says she's so proud of herself through her persistence and passion.

When she was just starting out she says, "I worked at a restaurant to pay for my first demo tape (yes, cassette tape) in high school. I used to lug around my keyboard and a huge amp to shows by myself. I found musical collaborators who were not only talented, but supportive and respectful. I learned how to write contracts, negotiate my rates, send out press releases, and write email newsletters. I am continuing to evolve in terms of how I'm sharing my voice. I decided to step away from performing and focus on building She Rocked It the past few years, but music will always be part of my life. Being a musician takes a lot of creativity and fortitude. It can be exhausting and sometimes frustrating, so surround yourself with people who help push you forward." Throughout her work, she says, "I have connected with so many inspiring women in music through hosting my podcast, She Rocked It! I have been honored to interview Grammy winners and nominees including Emily King, Divinity Roxx, Sonia De Los Santos, Cheryl Pawelski, and Nnenna Freelon. I've been uplifted by each woman's openness to honestly sharing her journey and her wisdom. When we listen to and learn from each other, we can ALL rock it!"

Check out a few more of Karen's favorite episodes of She Rocked it here and here!

"Stay true to your unique voice, and also be open to your voice and musical expression evolving over time. I started off as a singer-songwriter performing in coffeeshops before I discovered cabaret. More recently, I've been combining singing and speaking as a keynote presenter at conferences and other events. Allow your musical journey to unfold in unexpected ways." - Karen Gross


Angela Tyler

Angela Tyler

Angela Tyler has explored many facets of the music industry since diving in 15 years ago. She first started out blogging and writing for local publications before creating her own PR business, Muddy Paw PR. She says all of her favorite stories in the music industry involve other women believing in her! She shares that when she was first starting out in 2009, she created "a blog I started called Infectious Magazine. Some of the first publicists to give me a chance to interview their bands were all women." When she first started Muddy Paw PR, she said, "I (very nervously!) sought out the advice of two women who were also running PR firms that I really admired. I was terrified they'd tell me to leave them alone, that they weren't about to share their success secrets with someone about to be competition. Instead, both of them opened up to me and shared the ups, the downs, the things that worked, the things that didn't. They shared, with no hesitation, everything they could to help me succeed. I owe them quite a lot for how honest and vulnerable they were with me, and I try to do the same for others because I know I almost certainly wouldn't have this business today if they hadn't done that for me."

Some of the best advice she's received is from women, says Angela. "One of the more practical pieces of advice I received was to always understand and keep track of my financials, and remember that this is a business. It's not the sexiest advice, but it is crucial, especially for women starting a for-profit business and wanting to get paid. Knowing how much you need to make to earn a livable wage and charging accordingly, without exception (because people will try to take advantage of you) is incredibly important to the longevity of any entrepreneurial journey."

When she was just getting her footing, Angela shares that she was lucky to have a great deal of support from both men and women. " I also fell into a really supportive community of people (called Balanced Breakfast) in those early days, and that really shaped who I am and the business I run. The advice I'd offer is just to be open. Be open to hearing advice, even if you don't take it (sometimes bad advice is the most illuminating because it clearly shows you what you don't want) and be open to change, even when it's not what you planned. Be flexible in your approach but always listen to your gut. This applies to people but also situations. Women especially are very good at explaining away our gut feelings and making excuses, but I can say with 100% certainty my gut has never been wrong."

Angela's Advice: It's so easy to stay behind the computer and network online or not at all, but when I look back at my most fruitful and fulfilling relationships, especially in the early days of my career, it was all done in person. At networking events, shows, and conferences. It's work, and for an introvert like me it can be exhausting, but these are relationships that have held up over a decade and that have served me (and who I've been able to serve) time and time again. They are my favorite people.

If these events don't exist in your town, don't be afraid to start your own! Balanced Breakfast is my favorite event and it's in 30+ cities around the world ( if you want to see if they're in your city) but depending on where you live there are a ton of options.

There are also shows and open mics (a great way to meet people!) and smaller conferences like Launch or CD Baby that are a little more affordable and intimate and provide a great way to make lasting relationships. Follow Angela Tyler, and Muddy Paw PR. Check out Muddy Paw PR and Angela's Substack!

"Find a community that you can rely on and visit with regularity. The music industry can be hard, cutthroat even, but we do it because we love the music, the stories, the community. We do it because it matters and because it's a part of us. And that's a privilege." - Angela Tyler




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